Trying to recreate public school at home, right down to the textbooks, is something new homeschoolers often do (especially those pulling students out of school). Literature studies, however, are so much more FUN! As an added bonus, because they incorporate knowledge through relating to a character and / or story, your students are apt to retain more once the year ends.

What are living books, and how can you use them to make your homeschool shine? Get all the tips & tricks in Using Living Books to Homeschool.
Novel studies can be used to cover concepts from language arts and history to science and math. It’s been our students’ preferred learning method for years, and we’ve created well over one hundred of them! If you’re looking to teach World History through literature, here are 51 units to try….and don’t discount audiobooks, too! They’re a great addition to a busy homeschooling day!
Another fun option for teaching history is the World History class offered through Sparks Academy. This is an online co-op, with weekly student interaction in the private classroom forum. Learn more here.

- Motel of the Mysteries & Archaeology
- Island Boy & Ancient Hawaii
- Encounter & the Tainos
- A Loyal Foe & Wars of the Roses
- Around the World in 80 Days & International Eats
- Number the Stars & the Holocaust
- To Kill a Mockingbird & Racism
- House of the Seven Gables & Witch Trials
- The Night Witches & Women in Aviation
- The Lookout Tree & the Great Acadian Upheaval
- Animal Farm & the Russian Revolution
- Breaking Stalin’s Nose & Josef Stalin
- King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table
- True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
- Flashback Four: Pompeii Disaster
- Someday We Will Fly
- Zlata’s Diary & the Slavic Wars
- Treasure Island & Pirates of the Caribbean Sea
- Farenheit 451 & Types of Government
- Red Stars & Russia in World War 2
- The Long List of Impossible Things & Post-War Germany
- A Tale of Two Cities & French Revolution
- The World Made New & Early Explorers
- Kane Chronicles + Egyptian Mythology
- Percy Jackson + Greek Mythology
- Heroes of Olympus + Roman Mythology

- Magnus Chase + Norse Mythology
- Midsummer Night’s Dream + Celtic Mythology
- The Golden Bull + Mesopotamian Mythology
- Call It Courage + Polynesian Mythology
- Mansa Musa + African Mythology
- Tristan Strong + African-American Mythology
- Charlie Hernandez + Hispanic Mythology
- Aru Shah + Hindu Mythology
- The Storm Runner + Mayan Mythology
- Where the Mountain Meets the Moon + Chinese Mythology
- The Dragon Pearl + Korean Mythology
- Coyote’s Daughter + Native American Mythology
- Race to the Sun + Navajo Mythology
- We Were There with Byrd at the South Pole
- We Were There at the Normandy Invasion
- We Were There at the Battle for Bataan
- We Were There with Richard the Lionhearted in the Crusades
- We Were There with Florence Nightingale in the Crimea
- We Were There at the Battle of Britain
- We Were There with Cortes and Montezuma
- We Were There with Caesar’s Legions
- We Were There with Charles Darwin on H.M.S. Beagle
- We Were There with the Lafayette Escadrille
- We Were There at the Battle of the Bulge
- We Were There on the Nautilus
- The King’s Fifth
- Red Falcons of Tremoine
- Golden Hawks of Genghis Khan
- Red Hugh of Ireland
- Calico Captive
- The Story of Eli Whitney
- Island of the Blue Dolphins
- The Lost Kingdom
- The Secret Garden
- Heidi
- Girl of the Limberlost
- The Winged Watchman
- When the Dikes Broke
Charlotte Mason History
If you’re more of a simply-Charlotte-Mason style family, check out the Homeschool Garden sessions. These easy to implement sessions are planned out and ready for you to place in your schedule wherever it fits best. I could spend several hours trying to dig up resources, but they have already done the work for me (and really, who has that kind of time anymore?). They have a variety of subject sessions, plus five different Advent studies, and you’re sure to find a few that intrigue your family. One of the best parts about these units is that everything is included – there are no other purchases required. See inside a sample session here.
Want to give it a go? Use code FRIENDSANDFAMILY to take 50% off any one session (not bundles) at The Homeschool Garden. Where it asks, be sure to tell them Yvie sent ya! 😊