

Using Living Books to Homeschool

Using Living Books to Homeschool

When you were a kid, did you learn more from textbooks or from reading books just for fun? I definitely learned a lot more from historical fiction than from any history textbook!

Fun Field Trips for Teens

Fun Field Trips for Teens

Field trips are just as important now that your students are teens as they were back in elementary...

37 Ways to Make Your Homeschool Delight-Directed!

37 Ways to Make Your Homeschool Delight-Directed!

Delight-directed homeschooling can be a remedy for mid-winter burnout, but it can also be an all-the-time homeschooling style. It is a method of education that allows your children to explore what they love and work at a flexible pace, ebbing and flowing with each new bunny trail.

38 Ways to Teach Writing (that are FUN!)

38 Ways to Teach Writing (that are FUN!)

Writing is an integral part of the language arts classes taught at Sparks Academy. We offer four levels of instruction, each building upon the last, until students are ready to write in any form requested of them – whether at a career or college! But maybe you don’t want a full class….how can you make writing fun at home?

51 Ways to Teach World History with Literature

51 Ways to Teach World History with Literature

Novel studies can be used to cover concepts from language arts and history to science and math.  If you’re looking to teach World History through literature, here are 51 units to try….and don’t discount audiobooks, too! They’re a great addition to a busy homeschooling day!

18 Ways to Teach Science through Literature

18 Ways to Teach Science through Literature

Novel studies can be used to cover concepts from language arts and history to science and math.  If you’re looking to teach science through literature, here are 18 units to try….

Must-Have Supplies for Homeschooling Moms!

Must-Have Supplies for Homeschooling Moms!

Seasoned homeschool moms will attest to this list. We welcome new homeschool moms into our fold…..no denim jumper required! Here are fourteen must-have supplies for moms homeschooling middle and high school…

To the Overnight Homeschooler…

To the Overnight Homeschooler…

A plan to help educate the kids while working from home at the same time. We’re making these available to families in the hopes of alleviating stress…

Why to Attend a Homeschool Convention + FREE Planner

Why to Attend a Homeschool Convention + FREE Planner

There’s just no substitute for community and face-to-face contact, and a homeschool convention offers benefits that you won’t find anywhere else… Pick up your FREE Homeschool Convention Planning Pack!

DD’S Journal: Holiday Edition!

DD’S Journal: Holiday Edition!

As our gift to you, we’ve put together a holiday bundle, with several crafts and activities, plus two full-length history-based holiday unit studies!

The Costs of Homeschooling

The Costs of Homeschooling

HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) estimates that homeschooling families spend approximately $300 to $600 per year, per child, on educational needs. This can really add up! There are ways, however, to save money…

FREE Homeschool Materials

FREE Homeschool Materials

Once you’ve explored homeschooling styles a bit, you’ll probably set off looking for curriculum. Here are some places where you can score curriculum and materials for free!

Shack Diaries

Shack Diaries

What IS the Book SHACK? Sooner Homeschool Angels Curriculum Koop (yes, we know co-op doesn't start...

Welcome To Oklahoma Book Shack!

Welcome To Oklahoma Book Shack!

Thanks for stopping by. This is Sammy the Web guy 🙂 and we are currently under construction here. So mind the mess 🙂 as I dig through and get something everyone can enjoy and use. So keep checking back as things will continue to evolve and grow.