As the school year comes to an end, I see so many changes. Teaching two instead of one been the biggest change, but I have to say…big brother has really stepped up with advice for his sisters!
It’s funny how as the year progresses, the Light Units disappear! We are planning the closing of the year with much anticipation! The sunny days make school seem, well, DULL. The girls are enjoying bike rides, new kittens, and all the flowers!
This year I had to rethink my teaching. My number 2 daughter was really struggling with pre-algebra. So, being a somewhat creative mom, I came up with an IEP plan for homeschooling! I want her to succeed; so she and I set goals and discussed what she felt would help her with the transition into more difficult math. And it is working! Not every child will be an Einstein, but we as home educators have the ability to take what could be a DISABILITY and turn into a work of PROGRESS!
On another note, I found that both of my daughters really enjoy writing. They write short stories and essays with a flare!
And of course we had our “planning conference” for the next year. I really encourage the children’s input for curriculum. So we are ready to put down the moola for school year ’19-20!
It seems like if was just yesterday I taught my oldest to write his name, and *POOF* he is a full grown man -working and driving, being a productive citizen! So my pearl of wisdom is: enjoy these times…all of them. From getting b’s and d’s written in the right direction, to learning times tables, suffering through endless history lessons, and the tears and arguments…because…they go by way too fast!
So dear friends….as we close another year, may your pencils forever be sharpened with erasers, that rulers, compasses, and protractors never be lost, and that our wee ones always know, how much we truly love them!
Blessings to All,
Dee Dee