It’s that time again! Every homeschool mom’s delight! Homeschool children are singing the song of “their People”……Yes! It’s homeschool convention time!
We plan for months, checking the vendor list, noting what we need to purchase (free shipping!!), what we want to look at, and of course, the gathering of the freebies! Our children get excited, they will be amongst children like them! I know that mine were excited for the book vendors, the hands on exhibits, and the most important….the young entrepreneurs booth.

I have to admit…I have been homeschool conventioning (is this a word?) since the denim jumper days! I still drag my “box on wheels”, which by the way, gets some strange looks! I carry a small spiral notebook that has my needs and wants…when I visit my curricula booth, I am welcomed with a big hug and and friendly, “Good to see you again this year!”

Every year I meet up with all my home school moms and we plan our yearly lunch….a walk downtown to our favorite Mexican restaurant! And this is with at least 9 children in tow! If you have never been to a convention….you are missing out! The smell of new text books, an entire booth dedicated to paper products! (YES) There is a booth where you can purchase the dreaded frogs and squids for dissection, and there are books galore for reading enjoyment! And this mom purchased two fabulous novels written in the 1800’s!
Oh! The freebies! Pens, pencils, water bottles, candy, lunch bags, and keychains…..of course some of the best are the free drawings for curriculum, i-Pads, and lap tops! From one home school mom to others…if you get a chance, visit a homeschool convention! It is day of fun and encouragement! PLUS….this can be considered a “professional day” for your records!
Next year….my plans are to attend 2 (yes..TWO) conventions! I may go into book overdose! Here’s to lazy summer days! Oh…who am I fooling! I don’t know about y’all, but this girl has some deep house cleaning to do!