Navigating College Academics (What Professors Want You To Know!)


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From the introduction:

If you have a middle or high school student, now is the time to start cultivating those academic skills that will lead to collegiate success. If your student isn’t bound for a traditional four-year college, these are skills that will be beneficial and provide a solid foundation at a vocational school or community college, too!

As parents, we take a lot of responsibility for our children’s academics, something that we begin handing over to them in the high school years, but as they move into college, they will be completely responsible for their academic, and often their personal / daily, lives. This can be scary to the parent and overwhelming to the child, but with a little bit of pre-planning and having some real-world discussions, most students are up to the challenge.

Remember, mom and dad, once upon a time we were also in our late teens and stepping out in the world for the first time…we did it, and so can they! Here are six helpful hints for adjusting to the academic side of collegiate life…