First-time homeschoolers generally try to replicate public school at home. It’s what they know, and it’s familiar. Trust me…many mommas have gone down this road before!
Learning to re-frame the day, however, is the first step toward homeschool freedom. When you understand and accept that there is considerable learning value is almost everything you do, it relaxes your attitude toward school…which transfers to your students…and makes for a more enjoyable experience.
How to re-frame?
First, learn the lingo.
- Does your child understand something? Wonderful! They have ‘comprehension.’
- If you quiz your child on his ABCs, does he know them? Great! He just passed an ‘assessment.’
Second, master documentation.
- Say your elementary student spent two hours outside, skipping rope, playing with sidewalk chalk, catching bugs and examining them, and making leaf prints. That’s physical education, art (or handwriting, depending on what was drawn), science, and nature study!
- Baking cookies together as part of holiday preparations? This activity has math (measurement and time), chemistry, reading, home economics, and nutrition lessons!
We’re not suggesting that everyday consist of this type of schooling, though there are families who do ascribe to this theory – it’s called Unschooling, and you can learn more about it here.
The point is that each day doesn’t need to consist of books, papers, and pencils to ensure that learning is happening. When children are excited about something, they’re sure to learn and retain more!