Trying to recreate public school at home, right down to the textbooks, is something new homeschoolers often do (especially those pulling students out of school). Literature studies, however, are so much more FUN! As an added bonus, because they incorporate knowledge through relating to a character and / or story, your students are apt to retain more once the year ends.
What are living books, and how can you use them to make your homeschool shine? Get all the tips & tricks in Using Living Books to Homeschool.

Novel studies can be used to cover concepts from language arts and history to science and math. It’s been our students’ preferred learning method for years, and we’ve created well over one hundred of them! If you’re looking to teach American History and Geography through literature, here are 45 units to try….and don’t discount audiobooks, too! They’re a great addition to a busy homeschooling day!
Another fun option for teaching history are the US History and Government/Constitution classes at Sparks Academy! This is an online co-op, with weekly student interaction in the private classroom forum. Learn more here.

- Casualties of War & Vietnam War
- No Promises in the Wind & the Great Depression
- Out of the Dust & the Dust Bowl
- The Watsons Go to Birmingham & Civil Rights
- Dusty Sourdough & Alaska
- The King of Mulberry Street & Ellis Island Immigration
- Paper Son & Angel Island Immigration
- The Red Menace & McCarthyism
- Johnny Tremain & Faces of the American Revolution
- Sounder & Sharecropping
- World War II Code Talkers
- Flashback Four: Hamilton-Burr Duel
- Within These Lines & Japanese Internment Camps
- Flashback Four: Titanic Mission
- Flashback Four: Lincoln Project
- Freedom Summer & the Summer of 1964
- Farenheit 451 & Types of Government
- The Great Gatsby & the Roaring Twenties
- Witch of Blackbird Pond & Salem Witch Trials
- The World Made New & Early Explorers
- Stitching a Life & Jewish Immigration
- We Were There on the Oregon Trail
- We Were There at the Battle of Gettysburg
- We Were There at the Boston Tea Party
- We Were There in the Klondike Gold Rush
- We Were There with the Mayflower Pilgrims
- We Were There with the Pony Express

- We Were There with the California Forty-Niners
- We Were There with Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys
- We Were There with Jean Lafitte at New Orleans
- We Were There at the Oklahoma Land Run
- We Were There on the Chisholm Trail
- We Were There at Pearl Harbor
- We Were There when Washington Won at Yorktown
- We Were There at the Battle of the Alamo
- We Were There at the Opening of the Erie Canal
- We Were There at the Battle of Lexington and Concord
- We Were There with Lewis and Clark
- We Were There when Grant Met Lee at Appomattox
- We Were There with the California Rancheros
- We Were There at the First Airplane Flight
- We Were There on the Santa Fe Trail
- We Were There at the Driving of the Golden Spike
- We Were There at the Opening of the Atomic Era
- We Were There on the Nautilus
- We Were There with Lincoln in the White House