This course runs from August 18, 2025 – May 6, 2026.
This one year course will cover one semester of American Government and one semester of basic Economics. Students will be supplied with the Economics course materials, including text and workbook, as part of their purchase. Students are required to purchase The Good & the Beautiful’s US Constitution and Government set.
Classes will include teacher-led discussions and an overview of the coming week’s lessons. Students will also have the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other, discuss the class material, and ask questions. Additional activities may be suggested to help reinforce the learning, but are not required.
Course lessons are pre-recorded, with most interaction occurring through a private discussion feed. Students will be able to digitally show off projects as well. Periodically throughout the year, there will be LIVE classes, where the entire class will meet for a live discussion and interaction. These are scheduled into the syllabus so your student has plenty of time to plan. If s/he is unable to attend, they will be recorded for playback.
Sparks Academy does provide an official grade for students. This covers feedback on essays and quizzes, as well as class participation. You may enroll up to two kids from the same household in same class at same time. The second student is deeply discounted through the Second Student option.
Once you have registered, you will receive an email with further directions. It is IMPORTANT that you watch for that email. it should arrive within 2 days of your registration. If you do not see the email, please check your spam or junk mail. Feel free to contact us if you do not see an email after 3 business days. Please add and to your contacts to avoid the email going to your junk mail file.
You can learn more about how the course will work, and other available courses, at Sparks Academy.
- Please order your curriculum ahead of time so that your students will have it available for the first day of class. You may purchase the government portion of the curriculum through The Constitution course is currently available as a FREE download, but you will need to purchase the Student Journal (one per student) and Mystery on Constitution Island.
- No refunds are offered for this online class.
- Sparks Academy is not affiliated with The Good and the Beautiful or compensated by them in any way. Yvie is simply a homeschool mom who loves their curriculum and has obtained permission to offer this online co-op.
- The required books for this course are the US Constitution and Government set, including one journal per student. You may find them here – — The Constitution course is currently available as a FREE download, but you will need to purchase the Student Journal (one per student) and Mystery on Constitution Island.